Geography at Bedford Drive Primary School

“Geography is a subject which holds the key to our future”
— Michael Palin

The School has adapted the National Curriculum for Geography as defined by the Department for Education. The National Curriculum for Geography aims to ensure that all pupils:

  • Develop contextual knowledge of the location of globally significant places – both terrestrial and marine – including their defining physical and human characteristics and how these provide a geographical context for understanding the actions of processes

  • Understand the processes that give rise to key physical and human geographical features of the world, how these are interdependent and how they bring about spatial variation and change over time

  • Are competent in the geographical skills needed to:

  • Collect, analyse and communicate with a range of data gathered through experiences of fieldwork that deepen their understanding of geographical processes

  • Interpret a range of sources of geographical information, including maps, diagrams, globes, aerial photographs and Geographical Information Systems (GIS)

  • Communicate geographical information in a variety of ways, including through maps, numerical and quantitative skills and writing at length.

There are a number of ways that you can support with your childs learning at home in Geography, please see below for the suggestions that Mrs Birkett have made for you.

  • From here to there - noticing nature. Looking at the environment, how it changes through the seasons.

  • Going to the park? Make a map to get there and back.

  • Visit the Beach of Countryside

  • Holidays- Can you find the place on the map/ globe? What does the flag look like? What is the culture like?

At Bedford Drive Primary School we have constructed an ambitious Geography Curriculum, which follows the content of the EYFS statutory framework and the National Curriculum. These documents, along with our school policy, are available below:

We would like to share our work and learning from Summer Term 2023

Year 1

In Year 1, we have explored the different seasons, evaluating the types of weather we experience across all four. We even got to be real life weather presenters using a green screen and a map of the United Kingdom! We have discussed what clothing is appropriate at different times of year and how much daylight we experience. In the summer, we have the longest day and the shortest night!

Year 2

In Year 2, we have been exploring the world around us and in particular coastlines. We have learnt that where the land meets the sea is called a coast and when on a seen on a map this is called a coastline. We have explored cliffs, beaches and oceans across the world. We have discussed human and physical features of the coast including; harbours and lighthouses and what they are used for.

Year 3

During the summer term, Year 3 have looked at Mountains of the World. We built on our prior knowledge of famous landmarks and identified famous mountain ranges around the world. Children looked at how a mountain can be formed with the use of tectonic plates. We looked at fold, volcanic and dome mountains. We then labelled these mountains identifying parts such as peak, plateau and valley. Building upon our map work, children we about to read spot heights and contour lines. We then looked at these on maps understanding how to identify steepness and gradient.

Year 4

In our geography topic ‘Waterways of the UK’, we learned about the four seas that border the UK before moving onto identifying the major rivers of the UK using our atlas skills. We learnt about the features of a river and have discusses why settlements have often been built alongside rivers. During ‘Fieldwork Fortnight’ we learnt how to create a sketch map of the local area surrounding school.

Year 5

We have In Year 5, we have been learning about the Amazon River and rainforest. The children were first able to explore the magical rainforest through VR headsets seeing the different plants and animals that live there. The children were able to learn about the features of a river and then used this information, plus their own research to create an information page about the Amazon River! The children have explored the different layers of the rainforest and made a pledge to help reduce deforestation in order to protect it from further destruction.

Year 6

In Year 6, we have been learning about human geography with a focus on UK, France and Brazil. We researched the UK, France and Brazil to discover features of human geography including population, life expectancy, imports and exports, GDP, energy production and pollution emissions. We used this information to create a presentation to educate other people about what they have learnt. In addition to this, we conducted some fieldwork and investigated whether Bedford Drive has a microclimate. We measured wind speed in different locations and compared them to see whether there was a significant difference - we concluded that there was!

We would like to share our work and learning from Spring Term 2023

Foundation 1

In Geography, Foundation 1 have been learning about Places. The children have enjoyed sharing photographs from home and talking about places they have visited. They have had the opportunity to look at maps and globes and talk about different countries.

Foundation 2

This term Foundation 2 have been learning about our local area and its surrounding environments. We have been investigating this further during child initiated continuous provision in many areas such as in our investigation station, curiosity corner and in our home corner. 

Year 1

This term the children have been learning all about the world! They learnt a fantastic, fun song to teach them the names of the seven continents and then moved onto learning the names of the five oceans. Year 1 used their mapping skills to locate these on a world map. They enjoyed looking at Google Earth, atlases and maps to help with their Geographical mapping skills. They enjoyed learning about the North and South Pole, its weather, physical features and the animals that lived in these places. They have learnt to understand what the equator is and can describe the weather there.

Year 2

This term we are revisiting the 7 continents of the world, focussing specifically on North America. We are learning about rural and urban areas and looking at their similarities and differences. We have learnt about the 4 compass points (Never Eat Soggy Waffles!) and carried out fieldwork activities in the school grounds by looking at which physical and human features are located north, south, east and west.

Year 3

As part of their Ancient Egypt in History, children used their Geography skills to locate Egypt and the River Nile using an atlas. They learnt about how this physical feature was such an important part of Ancient Egyptian life for trade, farming and food.

Children have also learnt about landmarks from around the world. We revisited human and physical features and used this learning to identify human feature landmarks and physical feature landmarks. Children used atlases to locate countries and continents and Google Earth to locate famous landmarks. They then thought about where in the world they would like to visit and create an information leaflet about that destination, including what human and physical landmarks would be found there, country, continent, capital city, population, cuisine and currency.

Year 4

This term, year 4 have been investigating the natural world and focusing on earthquakes, volcanoes and tectonic plates. We began by learning about the structure of the earth and all of its various layers. We then learned that the earth is not one continuous sphere, but is instead made up of lots of plates that fit together like a puzzle. We learned that volcanoes often form at plate boundaries, and then with this knowledge, we focused on the ‘Ring of Fire’. This is a region around much of the rim of the Pacific Ocean where many volcanic eruptions and earthquakes occur. We then learned about the structures of volcanoes, before debating the pros and cons of life so close to these destructive phenomenon. Finally, we turned back to tectonic plates to learn about different types of earthquakes and how humans are able to create buildings that can survive these natural disasters.

Year 5

This term Year 5 have been learning about climate change and pollution. We recapped our knowledge about biomes by playing a ‘speed dating’ game in which we had to move around the classroom in our groups to find out facts about biomes from a different group. The children then looked into the causes of global warming and discussed how this might affect some biomes. We then began to think about how we could stop climate change and make the hole in the ozone layer smaller by reducing our carbon footprint. We came up with some great ideas including to recycle more, walk or cycle to school and plant more trees!

Year 6

This term Year 6 have been learning about physical geography with a focus on UK, France and Brazil. The children investigated our local area by studying the school’s playground to see if they could identify any signs of physical geography. From this, we then looked at The Wirral on Google Maps to study possible signs of physical geography. Our study broadened from this point as we researched UK, France and Brazil to discover features of physical geography such as climate, rivers, mountains and land size. Using this information, the children have produced some wonderful booklets that demonstrate the key similarities and differences between the three regions. 


We would like to share our work and learning from Autumn Term 2022

Foundation 1

This term Foundation 1 have been learning about families and houses and homes. The children have talked about people who are special to them and have used small world and dressing up role play to learn about different types of families. The children used recycled materials to make houses for the Three Little Pigs.

Foundation 2

This term Foundation 2 have been learning about natural things that we may see outside such as hills, rivers and forests. We have been investigating this further during child initiated continuous provision in many areas such as the small world and the investigation station.  

Year 1

In Year 1, we have been learning all about where we live. We used maps to explore our town, whilst learning why it’s important to know our address and postcode in order that the emergency services are able to find us if we need help. We wrote our addresses on our own letters and posted them in our local post box to our homes! We used globes and maps to develop our knowledge of the United Kingdom and its position in the world. We learnt we live in the continent of Europe and the United Kingdom is made up of four other countries. We created our own map of the United Kingdom using our new knowledge and detailed the flags, capital cities and key landmarks of those places.

Year 2

In Year 2 we are learning about the topic ‘Food and Farming.’  We are learning that many animals have their offspring in the spring so that they have as long as possible in the warm to grow, ready for their first winter when it is hardest to find food and survive and that crops are plants such as wheat or potatoes that are planted by the farmer in fields to make food that they then sell to other people.  We are learning that our food is grown or raised on farms and that we eat food that is grown in different parts of the world and food is transported to and from all over the world, mostly via boats and lorries, though other forms of transportation are also used.

Year 3

This term in Geography, children have built upon their understanding of the UK by looking at the counties. Children have investigated their 6 local counties and identified some cities of the UK. Children enjoyed looking at an OS map, identifying key symbols around our local area. We used the 8 points of a compass to give locations of key points and looked and using 4 figure grid references. We looked at modern electronic maps and created out own maps using sketch mapping.

Year 4

During the Autumn term, Year 4 have revisited their learning about continents and capital cities before starting the topic ‘Weather and Climate’. They have learnt about rainfall, temperature, wind and humidity, and the difference between weather and climate. They made a presentation about what a desert is and how vegetation has adapted to suit the climate. They are learning about how the Earth is divided into zones and how these have different climates and biomes.

Year 5

This term, Year 5 have looked closely at our local area, Rock Ferry, and the UK and discovered how they have changed over the last century. The children completed a Geography Field Study to discover what transportation is used around our school and how this affects pollution.

Year 6

Here is a selection of our work over the school year 2021/22:

Summer Term

Foundation 1

Foundation 1 used their mapping skills to find London and celebrate the Jubilee. They have also been talking about different countries. Some children brought in souvenirs from their holidays

Foundation 2

This term Foundation 2 have been learning about animals and plants and what lives where. They have also been learning about the 4 seasons. They have been investigating this further during child initiated continuous provision.  

Year 1

In Geography, the children have revisited the countries and cities of the UK and have learnt the surrounding seas. They have also learnt the names of the seven continents and the five oceans of the world.

Year 2

This term Year 2 have continued to revisit their learning on the UK, continents and oceans. They have extended their knowledge and skills through the topic ‘A Road Trip across the USA’. They have used globes and maps to locate parts of the USA and compared the human and physical features in our urban school town of Rock Ferry to the rural western town Bisbee. Geographical compass skills helped us to work out where places are located.

Year 3

In Geography, Year 3 have revisited the different continents of the world. They have also enjoyed learning about different mountain ranges such as The Alps, Himalayas and Mont Blanc.  They have identified features of mountains and studied the three different types of mountain; block, dome and fold.  They have developed their understanding of how the movement of tectonic plates contribute to the formation of mountains.

Year 4

In Geography during the summer term, Year 4 have revisited our locational knowledge and learnt about weather and climate. They focussed on how climate affects vegetation in different biomes. In our ‘Geography Fieldwork Fortnight’ they observed and drew a sketch map of the school using geographical symbols.

Year 5

During our ‘Geography Fieldwork Fortnight’ we observed the traffic outside of our school to see if it how it is affecting our air quality. We also examined the different layers and features (flora and fauna) of the Amazon rainforest. As part of this, we examined how maps use longitude and latitude.

Year 6

This term, year 6 have conducted another three way study into France, China and the UK. However, this time they learnt about the human geographical features such as population size, GDP, and pollution figures. They also did research into how each country gets their energy. They also did lots of fieldwork this term, starting with an investigation into micro-climates and the wind. This investigation involved blowing bubbles in various zones in order to determine the variation in wind over a small area. Year 6 also did lots of fieldwork and orienteering at their residential and had to use their knowledge of maps to solve a treasure hunt!

Spring Term

Foundation 1

Foundation 1 have been talking about holidays and different places that they have visited around the world. They have been celebrating Bosnian culture.

Foundation 2

Foundation 2 have been learning to recognise similarities and differences between life in this country and life in other countries. They have also been describing different environments.

Year 1

This term, Year 1 have had a ‘drop down’ Geography day. Children have been learning about ‘where we live’. They have used Google Earth to find Bedford Drive, Rock Ferry, Birkenhead, Wirral, England, UK, Europe. They were amazed! They have also talked about addresses, and they have practised writing their own address on an envelope. Children have learnt about human and physical geography. They sorted some pictures into the categories and then went outside to find examples of human and physical geography around our school grounds.

Year 2

Year 2 have been studying the countries in the UK and their capital cities. They have also been looking at human and physical features. The children enjoyed the topic of Farming and Food and learning a song to remember the world’s continents.

Year 3  

In Year 3 this term, the children have been learning about the different oceans and continents in the world. They have also been looking at the cities of the UK and have enjoyed finding out about their famous landmarks.

Year 4

Year 4 have been studying Volcanoes and Earthquakes this term. They looked at how a volcano is formed and at the location of some of the volcanoes across the world. They also found out about the Waterways of the UK.

Year 5

Year 5 have been studying biomes. They looked at the major types of biomes in the world. They have also revisited what they know about European countries and their cities.

Year 6

In Year 6, they have been finding out about time zones and the geography of Europe during their WW2 topic. They have studied the similarities and differences in physical geography between the UK, France and China. They first looked at what physical geography was and completed a fact finding exercise. The children researched this independently, using google maps, google earth and other online sites to find information about area, rivers and mountains for each country. They're now working on compiling their research into an information booklet focusing on the similarities and differences.

United Kingdom Song -

Continents Song -

Geography Games (Countries, capital cities, flags, rivers, lakes, and geological features) -

Country / Terrain Guessing Game -